Far West Club & Council History Award...
In 2008 Far West launched this program to develop club, council and race league histories. The objective of the annual program is to capture important information about skiing from the skier’s perspective and especially that of the club skier.
Selection for the award is based on digital (preferable) or mailed presentation of club, council or race league history, according to a set of weighted criteria with entries to be judged by knowledgeable ski historians.
About the Recognition
The History Recognition is not for outstanding club or council, although it is anticipated that material may be common to both types of presentations. Think of these histories as museum or library reference resources.
Submissions should try to cover as much detail as available. Liberal use of photos and graphics is encouraged. These submissions are paperless and should be readable with standard applications. Recommended Items to be included are:
- Basic organizational identity, location and service area, corporate status, and mailing address, both postal and electronic
- Objectives and purposes of the organization, mission and vision statements (if available), plan for the future
- Membership profile, numbers, demographics
- Timeline, founding, significant events during your history to date
- Annual event menu and descriptions - recreational, social, competitive, community service, travel
- Description of major events and achievements from your timeline
- Highlighted member profiles and special interest connections
- Appendices may include
- Governing documents such as by-laws, articles of incorporation, operations manuals
- Officer and member rosters, both historic and current
- Information about accessing the historic work on your media
All submissions must be for unrestricted release and become the property of the Association. Multiple focal points for ski history will be designated as eventual holders of the submitted information, such as ski museums and libraries.. Submissions must be archival or library quality.
Check out
past winners.
Notify the Chair early as to your desire or intent to enter for this award and to obtain the addresses for any mailed histories.
Check FWSA News, the Councilman, FWSA web pages and FWSA on Facebook for any updates to the above.
Please forward to anyone who should enter but who may be “off the net.”
We have a colorful and robust history. Let’s tell the world.
Jane Wyckoff
Far West History Chair
949-933-9607 [C]