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Far West Council's Volunteer of the Year Program

The Far West Councils' Volunteer of the Year is chosen by their peers based on their contributions to organized skiing.

History of Volunteer of the Year Program

    In the beginning, this contest was mostly a beauty pageant for the ladies where the contestants modeled ski apparel. There were rounds of cocktail parties, publicity photographs followed by a hectic day of interviews, tours and parties. The winner was crowned Queen.

    In 1976 Far West opened the competition to the men. In those early days, the “Snow Queen & King” were chosen by noteworthy & impartial judges.

    In 1981, the contest was not held because Far West thought the contest was too sexist.

    The contest reappeared the following year as "Councils' Man and Woman of the Year" in the format utilized until 2021.

    In 2021,  shortly after the FWSA Convention the contest was renamed the "Councils' Volunteer of the Year".

    This award can only be won once.

    View past honorees here.

What Honorees Need to Know

  • Award covers the past FIVE years (2021-2025). Older information will not be considered. Your resume will be returned if you exceed this time constraint.
  • Emphasis remains on grass roots participation at the club and council levels.
  • The Volunteer of the Year candidate from each council will be reimbursed for one night at the FWSA convention hotel at the early bird convention rate. The reimbursement will be made after attending the convention. Candidates must submit a copy of their hotel bill statement and a FWSA check request form. A check request form will be provided.

Honoree Requirements

    The deadline for the Volunteer of the Year submission is March 17, 2025.

    The 2025 application can be  ACCESSED HERE.

    Honoree Councils must submit a $50 processing fee per person by the March 17, 2025 deadline.

    Honorees, significant others and judges will be invited to a hosted reception on Friday evening prior to the Silent Auction. Photos will be taken with the sponsors at this time.

    On Saturday morning honorees will be judged by a representative from each participating council. Honorees will be given a list of the typical questions that have been asked in the past.

    At Saturday’s Lunch, the volunteers representing each council will be recognized.

    The winner will be announced Saturday evening at the Awards Banquet.


  • Sheri Parshall, Chair
  • Far West Councils' Volunteer of the Year Program
  • 503-706-0522 (cell)

Download Councils' Volunteer of the Year Application as a PDF document to be filled out electronically.

FWSA Man & Woman of the Year Sponsors—

What the Winners Receive

The Far West Councils' Volunteer of the Year has been sponsored by Big White Ski Resort since 2001.

The winners receive a 5-day ski/board package for two that includes

  • 5 Nights Lodging at Big White Inn in Big White (dbl. occ.)
  • 5 Day Lift Ticket
  • 5 Day Rental

  • 2024 Volunteer of the Year
    Linda Johnston, Arizona Ski Council

    2024 Honorees

    Arizona -
    Linda Johnston

    Bay Area–

    Cathy Baird

    Gloria Raminha

    Los Angeles–
    Norbert Knapp
    Sandra Kaufman
    Orange -
    Sheila Van Guilder

    San Diego–
    Tom Bundgard

    Sierra -
     Judi Cuffney