Terry Smith died in a tragic accident while operating an earth moving machine at the top of Chair 3 at Mammoth in the summer of 1975. In his memory, the Race Stadium Run in the Blue Ox area was named Terry’s Run.

Bruce Bell was first recipient of the Terry Smith Award. Bruce loved snow skiing. He served on the National Ski Patrol and was very active in FWSA. He organized and participated in a 12-person ski-a-thon on roller blades from LA to Lake Placid, NY to raise money for the Olympics.

Terry Smith Award Winners in 1992 at the Western SkiSport Museum in Boreal.
Front Row: George Eachus '87, Karyn Tablada '81, Bob Ellis '92, Alan Christian '85.
Back Row: Ralph Lehotsky '90, John Armstrong '88, Carol Weaver '91.

Terry Smith Award Winners at the 1993 Far West Convention.
Kneeling: John Armstrong '88, Joe Harris '79.
Standing: Herb Schraibman '93, George Eachus '87, Karyn Tablada '81, Alan Christian '85