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Far West Historic Ski Clubs, Councils, Schools & Patrols...
Clubs with over 50 years of operation may be designated as a FWSA Historic Ski Clubs, Council,s, Ski Schools or Ski Patrols. They must provide proof of operations with the request for this designation.
Proof may be articles of incorporation, minutes, press clippings or other significant historic evidence and may be 1 to 10 pages of copied material.
The applying entity will be required to provide a reproducible logo.
Designated Historic Ski Clubs, Councils, Ski Schools & Ski Patrols

From Left: San Diego, Grindelwald, Fresno, Cheyenne, Skiyente, Sequioa, Single
Apply for the Designation
The deadline for the Historic Designation submission is March 17, 2025
The 2025 application can be downloaded here.
Winners will be announced at the FWSA annual convention, when a certificate and seal will be awarded to any entity that meets the criteria.
Notify the Chair early as to your desire or intent to enter for this award and to obtain the addresses for any mailed histories.
Please forward to anyone who should enter but who may be “off the net.” We have a colorful and robust history. Let’s tell the world.
Jane Wyckoff
Far West History Chair
949-933-9607 [C]