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Far West Charity & Our Community Recognition Program...

About the Award

The intent of this award is

  • To encourage charity and community involvement in all our FWSA councils and clubs.
  • To recognize all clubs and councils for their outstanding financial and/or volunteer support to one or more charitable organizations.
  • To show the ski world how much the FWSA encourages volunteerism and charity involvement.
  • To show our Industry partners what a big and kind heart the members of FWSA have.


What Recognition Will You Receive

  • All clubs and councils that apply will be SHOWCASED at the FWSA convention.
  • Every participating club and council will receive a medallion to be used on their webpage.
  • At Convention, all participating clubs & councils will receive a recognition certificate.

  • This is the FWSA’s way of publicly supporting our clubs and councils in that same giving spirit.


Apply for the Award

There is no official application FORM to be filled out. But you need to send us some information.

Any club or council, currently affiliated with FWSA and involved with charity work, may participate.

Applications are due on or before March 17, 2025.


To be included in the FWSA Charities Showcase video, your club or council will need to  share your charity activities with FWSA.  There are no specific requirements to be included in the Charities video, except clubs need to show that they did some charity work during the year.  Here are some suggestions… We have last year’s video (link is on the upper right).

  • Send high resolution photos, showing the club’s charity activities, brief descriptions of the photos.  If just a few people are shown, give their names.  
  • Send good quality logos of the charities, that the club supports.
  • Include the club logo, also high definition, good video quality.  
  • Send short videos, no longer than 5-10 seconds.
  • Lists don’t work very well in a video, as you can see in past videos.
  • Clubs might share their mission, maybe some short basic club information?  Whatever YOU think might fit into our video.

Be creative, make it fun and interesting. Lots of photos with brief captions make an interesting, fun to watch video.  The completed video will be played at convention to show industry friends and convention attendees how caring FWSA members are.

Please send your Charity information to Sigrid by March 17, 2025 to be included in our video SHOWCASING all the charity work of our FWSA member clubs & councils.

Remember, if your club/council is involved in any kind of charitable work, you are eligible for this recognition.

If you have any questions, please contact SIGRID NOACK before the March 17,2025 deadline.



    Sigrid Noack
    FWSA Charity & Our Community Chair
    310-499-8181 [M]

Check out the past winners

Download a list of Charities Far West, Councils & Clubs are involved with.

See our most recent 2024 Charities Video.

Check out our 2023 Charities Video.

Check out our2022 Charities Video.

Check out our 2021 Charities Video.